Deep Dive in Dynamics 365, CDS and Power Platform. Discover all our articles

Dataverse Elastic Tables Deep Dive Tutorial

Dataverse Elastic Tables Deep Dive Tutorial

Thu, 06/27/2024 - 14:46 By joao.neto

Dataverse Elastic Tables Deep Dive Tutorial


Said to be the "Super Heros" of the information world, that they're super fast and can store lots of information and that they're a game changer for storing massive loads of data.

I went to undercover what's behind the scenes of this Elastic Tables feature and check if the rumours are fake or not!

Azure Peering Service for Dataverse

Azure Peering Service for Dataverse

Wed, 04/03/2024 - 14:43 By joao.neto

Azure Peering Service for Dataverse:


Requirements for Enterprise cloud services access are constantly evolving in terms of number of connections/users, data payload, multi-region/multi-continent access, ....

To overcome this different types of Enterprise architectures are often used : Geo-Partitioned/Hybrid-Cloud/Global load balancing/CDN architectures.

Dataverse Dynamics 365 Load testing for Model-driven app

Dataverse Dynamics 365 Load testing for Model-driven app

Fri, 01/19/2024 - 16:00 By julien.biedermann

Dataverse Dynamics 365 Load testing for Model-driven app


In today's digital landscape, where user expectations for seamless, high-performing applications are at an all-time high, ensuring the reliability and scalability of software systems is paramount. Performance testing emerges as a critical practice in the software development lifecycle, aimed at evaluating the responsiveness, stability, and scalability of applications under various conditions.