Azure interactions with Dynamics 365, CDS and Power Platform. Discover all our articles

Azure Peering Service for Dataverse

Azure Peering Service for Dataverse

Wed, 04/03/2024 - 14:43 By joao.neto

Azure Peering Service for Dataverse:


Requirements for Enterprise cloud services access are constantly evolving in terms of number of connections/users, data payload, multi-region/multi-continent access, ....

To overcome this different types of Enterprise architectures are often used : Geo-Partitioned/Hybrid-Cloud/Global load balancing/CDN architectures.

Dataverse Dynamics 365 Load testing for Model-driven app

Dataverse Dynamics 365 Load testing for Model-driven app

Fri, 01/19/2024 - 16:00 By julien.biedermann

Dataverse Dynamics 365 Load testing for Model-driven app


In today's digital landscape, where user expectations for seamless, high-performing applications are at an all-time high, ensuring the reliability and scalability of software systems is paramount. Performance testing emerges as a critical practice in the software development lifecycle, aimed at evaluating the responsiveness, stability, and scalability of applications under various conditions.

How to use Azure Table Storage with C#

How to use Azure Table Storage with C#

Wed, 09/14/2022 - 10:32 By Lloyd Sebag

How to use Azure Table Storage with C#

Azure Table Storage is a very useful solution present in the Azure Storage Account component. The service is a NoSQL datastore which accepts authenticated calls from inside and outside the Azure cloud. While remaining scalable and maintained by the Azure Cloud.
It is therefore a real accelerator for projects that need to store unstructured data.

You can obviously manipulate the data manually from the Azure portal, however, here I will show you that you can mainly use the API to manipulate the data from your C# code.

Handle secrets in Azure DevOps

Tue, 05/31/2022 - 14:18 By Mattias Liloia

When creating a ci/cd pipeline for your project, at some point you have to define a connection to your environment. In case of Dataverse, the connection string will contain clientid and client secret values. It's always a good idea to store secret values in a secure place, instead of putting them in clear text into your pipeline definition file (yaml) and potentially pushing them into your code repository.

Azure DevOps provides you a number of possible solutions to address just that: