How to access the Dynamics 365 online SQL Server database

How to access the Dynamics 365 online SQL Server database

Tue, 01/12/2021 - 22:21 By admin.generic
A new feature is coming this year and is only available as preview for the moment. You are now able to connect your Dynamics 365 database. This SQL connection provides a read-only access to the CDS environment. You can see each column type of each entity and you can execute SQL request directly in the databases.
environment variables Dynamics 365

Environment Variables in Dynamics 365

Tue, 10/13/2020 - 14:38 By Lorenz Prandini
Let's have a look at solution component Environment Variable Definition and Environment Variable Values. We took this blog from November 2019 that introduced us to this new solution components and put it to the test in regards of deployment. Environment Variable Definitions and Values are used to handle environment specific configurations - for example webhooks that differ from dev, test or production.