Mon, 10/11/2021 - 14:31 By Danny Rodrigue… Contributor Lloyd Sebag

Searchable optionset: the PCF for your PickList fields


For all fields linked to a multi-select picklist, Dynamics 365 offers an out-of-the-box search among all available attributes. Users can select multiple values and the filtering option helps them to do it faster.

Searchable optionset: the PCF for your PickList fields
Multi-Select field without any filtering specified.
Searchable optionset: the PCF for your PickList fields
Multi-Select field where options are filtered with "sp".

But this filtering functionality is not available for regular Picklist/OptionSet attributes. That's where the wonderful Dynamics 365's community enters the scene! Simmon Gommeton has built a PCF enabling users to filter a regular picklist field.

With the Searchable Option Set PCF, users have now the ability to filter the entire list of values.

OptionSet field without the PCF enabled


Searchable optionset: the PCF for your PickList fields
OptionSet field wiith the Searchable Option Set PCF enabled


Set up

First, you need to download the solution containing the PCF. Go to the GitHub project's page and in the Managed Solution folder, you can open and then download the file. This is not the usual way to give releases in GitHub, but it works.

Searchable optionset: the PCF for your PickList fields

Once the solution has been imported to the environment, the control SearchableOptionSet is available for Option Set data type fields.

Searchable optionset: the PCF for your PickList fields

The control has three properties and two of them can be configurated: SearchBoxPlaceholder and AlphabeticalOrder.

PlaceHolder example
Example of a placeholder text in the PCF


The properties used to have the placeholder as in the picture



Searchable optionset: the PCF for your PickList fields


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