Fri, 11/20/2020 - 12:34 By Danny Rodrigue… Contributor Lloyd Sebag

Ribbon Workbench Smart Buttons : As explained on this article about ribbon presentation, the Ribbon is an element of the CRM that displays the action bar with several action buttons following on the page the user is working on. And the Ribbon Workbench for CRM gives control on the Ribbon.

Ribbon Workbench Smart Buttons

Smart Buttons are a feature of the Ribbon Workbench that enables users to add buttons to the Ribbon without having to create JavaScript Web resources first. Out-of-the-box, there are five Smart Buttons that you can use – there are on the bottom left of the Ribbon Workbench screen:

  • Run Workflow: Launched a workflow and then optionally run code when it has finished. For Forms or Grids.
    • Ribbon Workbench Smart Buttons
  • Run WebHook: Run a WebHook via an HTTP request. For Forms or Grids.
    • Ribbon Workbench Smart Buttons
  • Run Report: Create a report short-cut button on forms.
  • Quick JS: Add a quick snippet of JavaScript to run on a button without creating separate web resources. 
    • Ribbon Workbench Smart Buttons
  • Open Dialog: Open a Canvas App from a Model-Driven Command Bar.
    • Ribbon Workbench Smart Buttons


Note that with the latest versions of the Smart Button solution, you can make advantage of Environment Variable. This can be very handy when calling a Webhook for example. More information here.






Ribbon Workbench Smart Buttons

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