Fri, 11/17/2023 - 09:05 By Maulik Shah Contributor Lloyd Sebag
Seamless Fusion: Enhancing Web Experiences through Dynamics 365 Portal and Customer Insights Integration

CRM has been a critical component of today's business, which has helped around 70% of businesses get the right customer insights and improve customer experience. If you also want to improve the web experience for your business, then you must create a seamless, customised shopping experience for your customers. This can only be done with CRM solutions like the Dynamics 365 portal. To find out more about how you can use CRM for better customer insights and web experience, keep reading!

Before diving into the blog, let us first understand what is Dynamics 365 customer insights.

You might have seen or observed most businesses use multiple apps with their data storage systems. AI combines your company's customer data and breaks down data silos with Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customer Insights. This CDP generates multi-dimensional customer profiles and real-time insights from the transaction, behavioural, and demographic data. Making systemic decisions will be considerably simpler as a result. You just start using new technologies and updated data to offer guaranteed customer satisfaction.  

Why should you integrate the Dynamics 365 Portal to boost customer insights?

It helps in a comprehensive understanding

With the Dynamics 365 portal, you can achieve a complete view of how customers are interacting through the integration of data from Customer Insights and the Dynamics 365 Portal. If you want to understand your customer properly, then you must integrate a good Dynamics 365 portal or CRM to collect useful data about customer behaviours, preferences, and pain points across several touchpoints as a result of this unified perspective. 

It supports real-time customization

When your data is integrated in real-time, you can provide personalized services relevant to the customer's choice. You don't have to worry about updating, as when users engage with the site, their profiles are updated quickly. This also allows to give specialized discounts, product recommendations, and relevant material because to this responsiveness. 

Improved marketing campaigns

Marketing campaigns are highly-influencing customers these days. If your business also lacks attention, then start developing marketing campaigns that are extremely targeted. Marketers may create content that speaks to consumers' preferences and behaviours as a result of the integration. A customer interested in a certain product category on the portal may receive emails offering related products in an effort to boost the likelihood of conversions.

Smooth customer support

Customer support interactions are revolutionized by integrated portals. When they need help, support staff members can consult a comprehensive history of client interactions. Agents are able to recognize issues and offer better solutions more rapidly because to this view with full context. Overall satisfaction is raised by a more seamless encounter with customer service.

It encourages data-driven decisions

Numerous insightful findings are generated by the integration. Through the analysis of consumer behaviour, engagement trends, and conversion rates, businesses may optimise their strategies. Decision-makers are empowered to make well-informed choices that improve customer experiences and encourage business growth thanks to this data-driven process.

It will build strong customer loyalty and trust

Consumers appreciate tailored experiences backed by linked data. The ability to provide tailored experiences indicates a deep understanding of their needs. Because of this enhanced engagement, customers feel valued, which encourages loyalty and leads to enduring relationships and repeat business.

Apart from this, it's crucial to follow the best practices while connecting CRM and web experiences. Below, we have listed some of the proven best practices you must consider while integrating the Dynamic 365 portal.

  • Establish the goals of the integration before proceeding. Whether the integration process is to improve customer experiences, bolster marketing efforts, or optimise support interactions, having well-defined goals will guide the approach.
  • Identify the fields that need to be synced between Customer Insights and the portal. Diagram the data flow to ensure that customer data is accurate and consistent between the two systems. A complete customer view requires the syncing of this data.
  • Use Microsoft's integration tools, such as Power Automate and Power Apps, to create automated workflows. These solutions streamline data transfer, minimising errors and manual interaction between Customer Insights and Dynamics 365 Portal.
  • Data governance and security are your top priorities as a business owner. In the Dynamics 365 portal, you can assign users to roles and set access rights for safer data access. To maintain customer trust, data protection, and confidentiality is your prime responsibility to carry a long-lasting impression.
  • Extensive testing is required to ensure the integration functions as intended. It is essential for checking the system for multiple conditions and identifying errors and other issues with data syncing.
  • Get accurate data before you begin integration with the system. Keep these things in mind that data should not be duplicate or outdated one. If you want to get unique and useful data, get customers and client reviews to get better responses and make integration worth it.
  • Monitoring and analysis are crucial phases of the integration Dynamics 365 portal. You can do this by installing one monitoring system specific for your business and check on factors such as system responsiveness, data synchronisation frequency, user engagement, and more to adjust the data accordingly and integrate for better results.


Data integration with CRM is the first step if you want to collect valuable customer insight. With rare and unique information, you can touch the necessary touch points of the clients from a single end profile and deliver a great outcome. Consider the above best practices to get your integration done hassle-free. Did you find this article useful to understand the importance of connecting CRM and web experience? What are your views on getting customer insights and dynamic 365 portal integration? 



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