Creating realistic Demo Data for Demo/POC scenarios

Wed, 04/26/2023 - 11:57 By David Uhlmann

Ensuring the accuracy and relevance of demo data is crucial in any product demonstration, whether it's during an RFP process or a standalone presentation. Often, we invest significant time and effort into creating an impressive app and/or Power BI dashboard, only to overlook the most critical aspect: the data itself. While we may have some experience in the client's industry, it's not always enough to create data that's truly representative of their unique situation.

 Discover effective partner management strategies, tools and best practices. Learn how to build strong relationships, streamline processes, and track performance.

Partner Management Tips: Trade Secrets, Tools, and More

Mon, 03/06/2023 - 09:47 By Maulik Shah

In today's business world, building and managing relationships with partners is essential for growth and success. Partner management involves handling the connections between your organization and your business partners, including resellers, distributors, and other channel partners. 

This blog will discuss the secrets to effective partner management, the tools to help you streamline the process, and best practices for implementing a partner management strategy.

Quick overview of Dataverse Field Level Security

Mon, 01/16/2023 - 12:35 By Lloyd Sebag

Quick overview of Dataverse Field Level Security:


Field level security in Dynamics 365 allows administrators to control access to specific fields within an entity. This means that certain users or teams can be restricted from viewing or editing certain fields, even if they have access to the overall entity.

It is also possible to use Field Level Security Profiles to group fields together, this way you can assign a security profile to multiple users or teams at once.
