AI Prompts Quick Overview

Power Platform AI Prompts Quick Overview

Thu, 02/01/2024 - 14:43 By julien.biedermann

What is a Prompt?

A prompt is a natural language instruction that tells a large language model (LLM) to perform a task. The model follows the prompt to determine the structure and content of the text it needs to generate.

Here is the link to Microsoft documentation.

Power Platform Prebuilt Prompt

Some prebuilt prompts are available on the Power Apps Maker portal :

Dataverse Dynamics 365 Load testing for Model-driven app

Dataverse Dynamics 365 Load testing for Model-driven app

Fri, 01/19/2024 - 16:00 By julien.biedermann

Dataverse Dynamics 365 Load testing for Model-driven app


In today's digital landscape, where user expectations for seamless, high-performing applications are at an all-time high, ensuring the reliability and scalability of software systems is paramount. Performance testing emerges as a critical practice in the software development lifecycle, aimed at evaluating the responsiveness, stability, and scalability of applications under various conditions.

Customer Type Field

Dynamics 365 Dataverse : Customer Type Field

Thu, 01/18/2024 - 15:04 By joao.neto

What is?

This field it's provisioned along with some of the traditional Dynamics 365 licenses (sales, customer service) and it's a specialized type of lookup field designed specifically for establish a relationship between records in different entities ("linking records") to account or contact entities, often used in the Opportunity entity.

When adding new table columns based on this field type two new relationships are added to the entity making it the interesting part of this field.

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Dual-Write tips and tricks

Thu, 01/18/2024 - 08:27 By Pavel

Since almost 4 years the Dual-Write framework is being actively used in D365 for near-real-time data synchronization between Dataverse (customer engagement apps, CE) and Finance and Operations apps (FO). The framework is an evolution of CDS (common data service) integration features and provides bidirectional integration incl. the DELETE action.

Dynamics 365 Map

Overcome Field Service Management Challenges with Dynamics 365 Map

Fri, 12/01/2023 - 06:03 By Maulik Shah

Field service management is challenging, and sales managers often grapple with the task of overseeing their on-field teams from their offices. This can impact customer satisfaction and, ultimately, the growth of the business. 

If you find it difficult to manage your onfield team, this blog is for you!

Seamless Fusion: Enhancing Web Experiences through Dynamics 365 Portal and Customer Insights Integration

Seamless Fusion: Enhancing Web Experiences through Dynamics 365 Portal and Customer Insights Integration

Fri, 11/17/2023 - 09:05 By Maulik Shah

CRM has been a critical component of today's business, which has helped around 70% of businesses get the right customer insights and improve customer experience. If you also want to improve the web experience for your business, then you must create a seamless, customised shopping experience for your customers.

Heading Logo

The complexity trap and why a clean design is a good idea even if "everything works."

Fri, 11/10/2023 - 11:21 By David Uhlmann

Over the past decade, a recurring phrase I've heard is: "Why replace systems or tools that are functioning well?" The rule of "never change a running system" is often repeated and seems like a golden rule in IT. One potential response to this is described in the concept of the "complexity trap," a phenomenon prevalent especially in the IT industry. For more general information about this phenomenon there are plenty of articles out there.
