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The complexity trap and why a clean design is a good idea even if "everything works."

Fri, 11/10/2023 - 11:21 By David Uhlmann

Over the past decade, a recurring phrase I've heard is: "Why replace systems or tools that are functioning well?" The rule of "never change a running system" is often repeated and seems like a golden rule in IT. One potential response to this is described in the concept of the "complexity trap," a phenomenon prevalent especially in the IT industry. For more general information about this phenomenon there are plenty of articles out there.

Enhancing Dynamics 365 Client API Interaction with Xrm-Ex

Enhancing Dynamics 365 Client API Interaction with Xrm-Ex

Mon, 10/30/2023 - 17:34 By Ahash

Enhancing Dynamics 365 Client API Interaction with Xrm-Ex

Stepping into software development for Dynamics 365, developers come across various tools and frameworks to make working with its Client API easier. Xrm-Ex stands out as a strong framework designed mainly for JavaScript, even though it has roots in TypeScript. The main goal of Xrm-Ex is to simplify how developers interact with the formContext and the Xrm Object. By doing this, it aims to reduce the amount of code developers have to write, making the codebase easier to manage and less likely to have errors.

Dynamics 365 F&O How to deal with product information and user language

Tue, 10/17/2023 - 15:44 By Lukasz Lubera


For companies that operate globally, in multiple countries or regions, it is important that the users can work with product information in their own language. For example, Switzerland has 4 official languages: German, French, Italian and Rhaeto-Romanic. The first 3 languages are commonly used in business communication.

Connecting CRM and Web Experiences: Integrating Dynamics 365 Portal with Customer Insights

Connecting CRM and Web Experiences: Integrating Dynamics 365 Portal with Customer Insights

Mon, 10/16/2023 - 13:17 By Maulik Shah

Centralised databases are essential in contemporary marketing. Due to technological improvements, data is mostly utilised to help organisations identify their target population, execute efficient marketing campaigns, understand customer feedback and use, and standardise marketing procedures. 

Dynamics 365 Map

Improve Onfield Operations with MappyField 365

Mon, 10/09/2023 - 07:25 By Maulik Shah

Why limit your business from growing just because of time constraints when you can easily plan ahead by scheduling appointments, getting confirmation, and keeping everything organized?

Many businesses that depend on fresh ingredients for their products struggle with keeping things consistent. They have trouble managing when they receive their raw materials, which then affects how they make their products.