Functional topics in Dynamics 365, CDS and Power Platform. Discover all our articles

Upcoming Features in Calendar 365!

Upcoming Features of Dynamics 365 Calendar: Your Ultimate Solution for Efficient Meeting Scheduling!

Thu, 03/07/2024 - 08:18 By Maulik Shah

Are you tired of the hassle of coordinating meetings across multiple platforms? 

Do you find yourself constantly switching between calendars to keep track of your schedule? 

Look no further, because Dynamics 365 Calendar is here to revolutionize the way you manage your time and meetings.

Seamless Fusion: Enhancing Web Experiences through Dynamics 365 Portal and Customer Insights Integration

Seamless Fusion: Enhancing Web Experiences through Dynamics 365 Portal and Customer Insights Integration

Fri, 11/17/2023 - 09:05 By Maulik Shah

CRM has been a critical component of today's business, which has helped around 70% of businesses get the right customer insights and improve customer experience. If you also want to improve the web experience for your business, then you must create a seamless, customised shopping experience for your customers.

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The complexity trap and why a clean design is a good idea even if "everything works."

Fri, 11/10/2023 - 11:21 By David Uhlmann

Over the past decade, a recurring phrase I've heard is: "Why replace systems or tools that are functioning well?" The rule of "never change a running system" is often repeated and seems like a golden rule in IT. One potential response to this is described in the concept of the "complexity trap," a phenomenon prevalent especially in the IT industry. For more general information about this phenomenon there are plenty of articles out there.

Dynamics 365 Map

Connect Instantly With Onfield Agents Via Live Chat in Your Location Intelligence Tool

Fri, 08/04/2023 - 07:21 By Maulik Shah

We're thrilled to announce the introduction of a new feature: Live Chat, in our Location Intelligence tool MappyField 365. This exciting addition will offer better and instant communication between on-field agents and their managers, leading to improved productivity and streamlined operations.
